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In The Little Things

Today He Showed Me Something. 15 October. It's the last day before my first cutoff. I still needed a couple hundred more--a thousand at least- to hit my quota. I have bills to pay and needs to buy. I prayed earnestly that God would give me the right students (and the right number) needed to complete my quota.  I opened my slots like crazy (if you're not familiar with online ESL teaching, this concept might be weird for you) and prayed for students to pour in. Yep! Students came in. There were a couple of absent students and unbooked slots. A little change here and there. I was exhausted, but God reminded me that He is always in control. He has favoured me. Then comes the second-to-the-last class. It's thirty minutes before midnight and I'm still worried about my 11,000 PhP quota. I enter the classroom and find my young pupil has decided not to show up. At least I get half the pay. I sigh. I had computed the remaining needed money and missing this class wou

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