Out of The Mission Field
Out of YWAM
Laving YWAM is one of the biggest decisions I had made since entering. During the time I was still praying about the decision, I had heard a lot of opinions regarding it.
"Do NOT leave."
"If God says so, why not?"
"It's scary outside."
"As long as you're with God, you've got no problem."
"You're not strong enough to leave yet."
"Just be careful."
Negative. Positive. A little bit of both. I had heard a lot of them. There were times when I would listen to the "negative" opinions and times when I would listen to the "positive" ones. I might write more about those experiences in another post.
Making the Decision
It was December 2017, I was about to graduate form FCM in Cebu. I only had a few days left before my graduation. If one has been in at least a DTS, one would be familiar with the process before a YWAM school ends: graduation preparation, cleaning, packing, deliberation and last one-on-one sessions. Five out of six of those had been ticked. I had the one-on-one session left. What was I going to say? To be honest, I was very afraid to leave. There was no assurance of success. There was no assurance that my life outside YWAM would be better than my life in YWAM. But deep in my heart, I knew what my answer would be.
After several days in the base, my one-on-one staff and I finally had our last session. She asked me a couple of questions about my experiences in FCM and we chatted about what had heppened. Finally, she asked me the question I had been preparing to answer: what's your next step?
My answer?
"To go home."
Welcome to my Reformed Blog: No Permanent Address!
I had originally started this blog to share my experiences as a DTS student three years ago, but, of course, trying to balance my life inside and outside the school was a difficult thing to do. Now, after three years of hibernation, this blog is up and running again, albeit, in a slower pace.
I will do my best to write about my experiences, challenges and struggles after leaving YWAM and how I faced some of them. I'm not a professional at this (who will ever be?) and I have failed in some--okay, A LOT-- of areas. So I want to be honest with about these things. In case you are planning to leave YWAM or are transitioning out, this blog might be a wisp or a sea of hope or comfort for you. This won't be an instructional blog. I'll be sharing my personal experiences in the hope that some of you could identify and find hope and encouragement with your decision.
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment and I will do my best to get back to you.
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